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Prim Oil 10ml
7.45 €
5.21 €
Liquid Off - 2 packs 250 ml
24.68 €
19.75 €




Prohelico - 60 caps - Herbamedica
18.77 €
Liquid Off - 2 packs 250 ml - Herbamedica
24.68 €
19.75 €

Nutritional supplements

If you suffer from

Improve your


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Nutritional supplements

Once upon a time, there was a small group of people engaged with their health and looking for the best natural solutions to any disease. The same group of people created Herbamedica in 1994 and they proceed the mission - to help people live better and be healthier with completely  natural means.

For less than 5 minutes you have to be sure that behind that motto there is a wide selection of nutritional supplements, separated in certain categories for easy navigation - body systems, diseases ot types of nutritional supplements.

During these successful years we have achieved the most important - we have found you, our valuable customers, partners and supporters, who help us build the most important thing - your health and well-being.

We believe that nature offers us useful plants and extracts, both in the vast green fields and in the deep seas and oceans. That is why in Herbamedica you will find even exotic algae Spirulina and Chlorella, the medicinal mushrooms Shiitake and Reishi, the adaptogen Ashwagandha and many other remarkable products.

The treatment and teraphy of many conditions allow to take nutritional supplements as an additional remedy. They are not only components in recovery, but they can also be a major source of missing or insufficient elements in the body - vitamins, minerals and other microelements.

Our main work and life evaluations are a holistic approach to treatment - from the initial source of the disease to its long-term elimination. We believe that good health, a fulfilling life and longevity will be achieved in treating the person, not just treating the disease itself.

Herbamedica assortment

Herbamedica offers variety of products for any condition - headache, premenstrual syndrome, gastritis, allergies, joint pain, muscle cramps and hormonal imbalances.

Our aim is to maintain the quality of production by using natural raws from certified producers, modern methodologies for treating nutritional supplements and improving their efficiency.

A major priority in creation of every our nutritional supplement is the quality of the ingredients and their guaranteed origin. Alternative medicine enriches the palette of herbs and plant extracts that can soothe the nervous system, cleanse the liver or body of toxins,  to relieve joint pain and improve digestion.

We often update product categories with new formulas that are more improved than the previous ones, with additional ingredients, new technology and improved performance.

Herbamedica online shop is organized to facilitate your search. All products are separated in categories, and each product description has detailed information about its composition and use.

In our company blog, we permanently present health-related information. It will be useful for you  to learn if bad cholesterol is really bad, how vegetarians can provide themselves with vitamin B12, and how antioxidants cope with oxidative stress.

Why choose us

Our nutritional supplements are well known in Canada, USA, Czech Republic, Macedonia, Russia, Lithuania and Slovenia. We keep on quality, not quantity, but we can provide both - a wide range of nutritional supplement for treatment and prophylaxis of various diseases, and products created through the latest technologies and requirements.

Choosing nutritional supplements from Herbamedica online shop, you get natural products with precisely selected, high-quality ingredients, as well as a partner in the care of your health with complately natural remedies.

Herbamedica is certified according to ISO 22000: 2006 - the international standard that integrates the food safety management system that contributes to guaranteeing and ensuring the production of safe nutritional supplements.

With Herbamedica nutritional supplement you will be healthier, energetic and always in good mood.

"Today, when we have too little time and too many conveniences, come things we should not make compromises with - our own and family health." Radoslav Toshkov - the owner of Herbamedica EOOD.