DAOfood®Plus - 60 caps

DAOfood® Plus is a nutritional supplement for specialized medical use, which helps regulate the levels of the enzyme Diamino Oxidase in the small intestine. That way it helps the breakdown of histamine from food. When the body is in deficiency of this enzyme or has reduced activity, histamine units are not absorbed. It leads to a number of unpleasant symptoms.

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0.20 kg
Product type
VG caps.



What is DAO 

Diamine oxidase is the main enzyme responsible for the metabolism of dietary histamine in the intestines. DAO catalyzes the oxidative deamination of the primary amino group from histamine to imidazole acetaldehyde, also releasing hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. It is stored in the plasma membrane vesicles in the epithelial cells of the kidneys and intestines and is released into the circulation under various stimulations. It is included in the group of copper amino oxidases, and its active form is homodimeric with active cofactor 2,4,5-trihydroxyphenylalanine quinone. Its kinetics are 20 µmol / L for histamine, and its optimal functioning is at pH 7.2.

What is histamine and what is the relation between both substances?

Histamine is a compound present in the body and typical of many foods. It is a participant in many vital processes in the human body. However, to be useful, it must reach the bloodstream from the digestive system. An important step in this process is its decomposition. If histamine is not properly broken down, it passes from the intestines into the bloodstream unchanged and begins to cause various health problems.

Because the main digestive enzyme that breaks down histamine is DAO, its deficiency or low activity has significant consequences for our condition.

How to find out if you have a DAO deficiency

DAO deficiency is found in the relevant laboratory tests. The main symptoms associated with:

  • Migraine or chronic headache;
  • Gastrointestinal disorders, especially those associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), such as constipation, diarrhoea, satiety, flatulence or bloating;
  • Dermatological disorders, such as dry skin, atopy or psoriasis;
  • Soft tissue pain, often diagnosed as fibromyalgia;
  • Chronic fatigue;
  • In children and adolescents, DAO deficiency is associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

If an enzyme deficiency is found, it is good to start taking DAO from external (exogenous) sources. It is recommended to take DAOfood® Plus - gastro-resistant capsules.

How does DAOfood® work

DAOfood® Plus is an exogenous easily digestible and bioavailable form of the enzyme. When taken correctly, it reaches the intestines, where it breaks down histamine. Taking one capsule of DAOfood® Plus before each meal increases the amount of DAO in the small intestine and thus significantly reduces various health problems.

How to take DAOfood® Plus

При недостиг на Диаминоксидаза се препоръчва ограничен прием на храни богати на хистамин и други биогенни амини, като краве мляко, млечни продукти и  цитрусови плодове. Препоръчително е да се избягва консумацията на алкохолни напитки, поради това, че съдържат хистамин и други биогенни амини, както и поради факта, че алкохолът потиска действието на DAO и възпрепятства метаболизирането и разграждането на хистамин.

Take 1 capsule with a small glass of water 20-30 minutes before the meal. The capsule should be swallowed whole without chewing. If you cannot swallow the capsule, open it and swallow the whole pellets with a small amount of water.

DAOfood® is available in packs of 30 and 60 gastro-resistant capsules.

DAOfood® Plus cannot replace a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle or can serve as the only food source. Alcohol and some drugs can significantly inhibit the action of the enzyme Diamine Oxidase (DAO).

In case of Diamine oxidase deficiency, avoid foods rich in histamine and other nutrients, such as cow's milk, dairy products and citrus fruits. It is advisable also to avoid alcoholic beverages because they contain histamine and other nutrients - alcohol inhibits the action of DAO, metabolism and degradation of histamine.

Origin: Spain

Ingredients in the recommended daily intake of:

3 caps.

Quercetin 95%

120 mg

Vitamin C

60 mg

Natural protein extract 7% DAO,

of which Diamine oxidase ( DAO)

12,6 mg 

0,9 mg

Excipients: emulsifier: microcrystalline cellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose; potato starch, rice starch, medium-chain triglycerides; stabilizer: hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, magnesium stearate, oleic acid, sodium alginate; anti-taking agent: stearic acid, magnesium carbonate, dicalcium phosphate; moisturizer: glycerin; colouring agent: caramel; glazing agent: hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, ethyl cellulose.

Recommended daily dose: 1 capsule three times daily, with water, 20 minutes before each meal. In case you cannot swallow the capsule whole, open it and swallow the pellets inside without chewing or breaking them.

Daily doses: 20

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

Do not use as a substitute for the varied food.

Keep in a dry and cool place, out of reach of small children.

Мария Х. 2022-03-26
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