SAMe - 20 Tablets 400 mg

SAMe contains the active substance S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe). The supplement is beneficial for liver function because SAMe is a basic methyl donor and participates in the methylation process.

It is recommended to take SAMe in a combination of several vitamins from the B group for maximal absorption and synergistic effect. 

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What is SAMe (S-adenosyl-L-methionine)?

SAMe is a compound which is naturally formed in the body and is contained in every single cell of the body. It is contained in methionine amino acid and ATP (Adenosine triphosphate). SAMe is a major methyl donor. A methyl donor is every substance which can deliver methyl groups (CH3) to acceptor molecules. The whole process is called methylation. Methylation is an important biochemical process which participates in DNA synthesis, nervous system function (hormone synthesis and neurotransmitters), the fat process in the body, and liver detoxication. Methylation is associated with almost all biochemical processes in the body. Many scientific studies show that the methylation process weakens and it slows down with the age. 

SAMe purpose: 

  • Purification and regeneration of the liver.
  • Improves mental health - mood, memory, concentration.
  • Relieves osteoarthritis and osteoarthrosis symptoms. 

SAMe directly interacts with vitamins B12, B6 and B9 (folic acid). When you are taking SAMe it is essential to get these vitamins to speed up the regeneration and detoxication of the whole organism.  

SAMe and liver health 

The liver is the biggest gland in the organism. Unlike the adrenal and pineal glands, the highest concentration of SAMe is in the liver. The unique property of the gland is its ability to regenerate itself and function with only 25% of its capacity. SAMe has also another essential function -  to regenerate the liver.

SAMe's initial essential substance is methionine amino acid. When there is a damaging process in the liver, the SAMe formation is obstructed. To form SAMe, methionine should be activated. In liver diseases, the enzyme which activates the amino acid is impaired. In such cases occurs liver intoxication due to high levels of methionine and ATP in the liver. That is why nutritional substances with methionine don't help, but only harm the liver. Here comes SAMe because of its efficiency and direct intake. 

On the other hand, SAMe is a precursor of the antioxidant glutathione. It means that its great amounts in the organism are very essential for glutathione production. This antioxidant is attached to toxins in the liver and throws them out of the body through the intestinal tract. That way glutathione detoxicates the liver and helps it to restore its optimal function.

SAMe and the mental health

SAMe improves the metabolism of the neurotransmitters (such as dopamine and serotonin) which directly regulate the mood. Many clinical trials prove the relation between SAMe's intake and the reduced symptoms of depression. SAMe is a safe alternative to standard antidepressants and more and more mental health specialists prescribe the product to their patients. SAMe's intake does not cause side effects that the antidepressants cause:

  • Decreased libido and sexual function.
  • Weight gain.
  • Nausea.
  • Fatigue.
  • Constipation.
  • Insomnia.
  • Other.

SAMe should not be taken by patients who suffer from bipolar affective disorder because it increases manic episodes. SAMe enhances the symptoms of anxiety and euphoria

SAMe and osteoarthrosis (osteoarthritis)

Studies show that SAMe relieves pain in joint diseases such as osteoarthritis. SAMe acts as a painkiller. The difference is that SAMe does not cause the same toxicity as steroid and non-steroidal painkillers. SAMe improves the activity and locomotor system in general.

SAMe benefits:

  • Detoxifies and regenerates the liver. It is effective when quitting alcohol, cigarettes and narcotics.
  • Improves mood.
  • Improves memory, concentration and sleep.
  • Regulates the emotional state.
  • Reduces pain in osteoarthritis.
  • Increases mobility due to joint problems.
  • Effectively adapts the body to stress.
  • Reduces free radicals in the body and prevents cell oxidation.

Do not take SAMe in the following cases: 

  • Bipolar disorder.
  • Parkinson's disease.
  • Diabetes.
  • Kids.
  • Pregnant women and nursing mothers. 
  • People who take antidepressants. 

Why choose nutritional supplements Herbamedica? 

Our supplements are completely natural and effective. We give the best for your health and actively develop a formula that helps you to improve your health. We give you excellent support, fast order process and high quality at affordable prices. 

Our mission is your health!

Buy SAMe for healthier liver, better mental health and painless joints.

Composition in a maximum daily dose: 

SAMe Real (S-adenosyl-L-methionine) - 800 mg in 2 tabs

Other ingredients: Emulgator - cellulose; hydrant - Mannitol; binder-hydroxypropyl methylcellulose phthalate; acidity regulator - citric acid; anti-sticking agent - silicon dioxide; emulsifier - stearic acid; hydrant - glyceryl triacetate; acidity regulator - sodium starch glycolate; emulsifier - sodium croscarmelcolourantsorants - titanium dioxide, yellow ocher.

Net weight: 21.98 g

1-2 tabs daily (during daylight). If you are taking 2 tabs, separate them in 2 x 1.

SAMe should not be taken by people diagnosed with bipolar disorder (manic depression).

During pregnancy, nursing or taking other medicines, take only after consultation with a doctor.

The product is a nutritional supplement.

SAMe Real should not be taken by people who are diagnosed with bipolar disorder (manic depression).

During pregnancy, nursing or taking other medicines, take only after consultation with a doctor.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

Do not use as a substitute for the varied diet. 

Вера Борисова 2022-11-15
Саме и антидепресанти
Здравейте може ли да се приема с Аритави 60мг и Ривотрил 0.5мг които приемам сутрин също така със Сиофор 1000мг дневно .Целта ми е да се отърва от антидепресантите постепенно. Благодаря ви безкрайно!
Във Вашето състояние Ви съветваме да се обърнете към наблюдаващия си лекар, който да определи каква да е схемата на преход от медикаментите към добавката.
Красимира Петкова 2022-06-24
Супер продукт
Бях на химиотерапия и чернодробните ми показатели се завишиха в пъти.Само за един месец прием на Сам е по 2 хапчета на ден показателите ми влязоха в норма.Продукта е вълшебен,не се колебайте да го поръчате.
Станимира 2022-05-01
Много съм доволна! Много бързо се подобри състоянието на черния ми дроб. Колко дълго може да се пие? Има ли вероятност от пренасищане на организма?
Sam-е може да приемате до 6 месеца без прекъсване. Ако терапията е предписана от специалист, се придържайте към приема, който е назначен.
Дарин П. 2019-02-03
Чудесен резултат от SAMe
Опитът ми със SAMe е че това е много успешен и ефективен продукт ! Действието му е по-силно от St. John's Wort (жълт кантарион). Единственият недостатък е цената, но резултатът си заслужава.
Мариана Й. 2018-12-12
A great product for detoxifying
A great product for detoxifying the liver. I recommend.
Димитрина З. 2018-02-22
Мнение за САМе
За втори път ми се налага да вземам продукта във връзка с проблеми на черния дроб. Доволна съм. На втората седмица от приема имах подобрение на състоянието и продължавам.
Владимир -0001-11-30
Подходящо ли е за облекчаване симптомите на ОКР? Може ли да се комбинира с жълт кантарион?
Ако приемате медикаменти от типа на антидепресанти не препоръчваме приема на Сам-е.